Unique mobile games with smartphone or tablet (Android, iOS)

Our creative team games follow the themes of our urban exploration and touristic exploration games, but they provide much more excitement through the ability to compete against each other. Time limited tasks make these games even more challenging since we can set the limit for the duration of the whole game or for solving individual subtasks.

In addition, the game may contain combat spots. The essence of these is that as soon as the first team reaches that particular point, solves the task, it will not be available to the other teams, it will be deleted from their task list immediately.

In addition, we create secret spots, locations where the players can earn or win extra points.

If you have enough members for a team game like this and ready for this unique challenge, we suggest you choose this creative team play.

Since these games needs preparation and time from our part, please ask for a quotation first. We look forward to hearing from you!

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When to play:All year round
To whom we recommend:Larger families and group of friends who can split into two or more teams to compete against each other in the same game

If you are a larger company (more than 6, up to 30 people) and want to get some excitement, competition into your everyday life, choose one of our Creative Team Games!

Choose from creative scavenger hunt team games